Audio device
It's time
to turn it up
Quality materials, unbeatable audio for a bluetooth device and complete control of the headphones. Neural offers unbeatable quality for the most demanding users.

The logo
The basic idea of the logo was to incorporate the symbolism of "audio" with a personal element of the brand. It was decided to incorporate the letter "N" of Neural into the icon.
This way, we achieved a well balanced icon that is easy to identify, and the connotation to audio is always present.
With a strong and vibrant personality, Neural's communication should not go unnoticed. A bold brand but without losing sight of the quality and personalization offered.
In a market competitive with large brands, you have to offer more than just an excellent device, you have to offer a whole experience. That is why Neural, with its flagship product, the N1 and its application, provides the user with total control over the device, as well as functions that competitors do not have.

The app
To have the full experience of the new N1 headphones, you must have the Neural application installed, where you will have access to 100 Gb of storage (and not only audio, video and images as well), full control over equalization, battery and of course, 3D sound and the two ANC isolation modes.
The packaging

The new N1 headphones come in two colors, matte black and brushed gold. For the packaging, following the brand values, we created
a strong and bold packaging but sober at the same time. With a zoomed photo of the product and only showing the 5 key points of the product.

The campaign
With the copy "It's time to turn it up", it seeks to communicate to the potential user the power and usability of the product, and following the same line of design, large and bold typography is mixed as an element of communication, accompanied by the same style close up to the device.
A strong and sober communication that does not go unnoticed.

Cohesive communication is planned for both print and digital communication (banners, videos and social media campaigns).
Being a new product and brand, the brand needs to be uniform across all touch points.
Once the brand is recognized, a more personal design for this device (N1) and future products will be planned. To differentiate each product and the brand itself.

Social media
A more personal angle is proposed for social media. Focused on the user and by the user. If they came to our profile on the social media (Instagram in this case), it is because they already know the brand or have heard of it.
This way we show how users share their photos with us using our product. Being more than a product, a lifestyle.